Peters 2000-500gr-2-595x500px

Peters 10/52/10 and Peters 20/20/20

The most soluble fertilizer from professional cultivation, available in crystal form, 100% soluble in water with no sediment formation.

This makes it suitable for gift via the watering can as well as via a watering system (storage tank, etc.). Ideal for vegetables, herbs, ornamental plants (often used with orchids and other flowering plants). We call this a "2nd Phase Manure": the first growth is supported with the "1st Phase Manure" (10+52+10), now the leaf growth may stabilize and bud formation and/or fruiting take place. 

Orchids start at the 2nd stage, because the leaf growth is small. After this there is another “3rd Phase Manure”.

Average dosage: 1 gram per 1l of water. 


Besides Nitrogen (20%), Phosphorus (20%) and Potassium (20%) it consists of the following trace elements: Boron (0.02%), Copper (0.015%), Iron (0.12%), Manganese (0.06 %), Molybdenum (0.01%), Sulfur (0.1%) and Zinc (0.015%).
